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The Health of my Nation (me)

When you grow up in a family full of doctors and nurses and have friends who only do something if it’s approved by their doctor, trying to be a health coach with a background in holistic healthcare is like walking around with the plague.

I know the side eyes and the snickering. I know the inside the head eye rolling. I feel the stifled comments. Do I care? I did. But I don’t anymore.

I don’t feel the need to prove anything. The people who want research studies over and over can go look it up themselves. People who think me having a home birth was cultish or believing that there’s alternatives to medication make me “a weirdo” can think it all they want.

I know what I have to offer. I have been doing this work unofficially for almost 2 decades. I’ve been in the industry of taking care of people’s well-being (children and their parents).

I don’t need to go to Harvard medical school or Stanford research. Why? Because if I did I wouldn’t be on this path, I’d be on a whole different one.

I’m here doing what I do because I believe there’s another way. A way that people lived generations ago. A way that was taking care of the whole person and living a life of preventing illnesses. A way that had meaning and connection. A way in which we felt loved and belonged. A way that is not about back biting, jealousy or putting others aside for our own gains.

I have a business practice that’s about taking care of people and helping them feel better to reach their own potential.

When you take the IHP training they tell you that’s it’s often your own family and some of your close friends who will not agree with what you do. I have experienced this and it hurts but I’m also over it. It set me back for a year in my ability to put myself out there. But I’m over it. It’s taken me time to shut down and hit the reset button to now invest in myself fully.

When you get to live your passion it’s kinda a beautiful thing and feeling. There’s no money in it, but the feeling you get from helping others is a different kind of wealth. And for now, I’ll take it. I don't intend to isolate others, but I also am tired of being put down, feeling less than, and competing in my own head. There's no point to this.

 Our health IS our wealth, and there is no health if we don't feel appreciated or loved. And to look to others to fill us is ridiculous if we can't value or love who we are. This has been my missing piece in all that I have done. I have looked to others, and now as I continue to focus on my personal health, I look to myself. I am here to support anyone who truly wants it. If you want to fight me on things because you are skeptical, then I'm not the person for you. I am here to support those who are ready to be uncomfortable and face their own truths. I'm here to support those who want to live life without judgement or comparison. I'm here to support those who know there's something more than what we're told.

How did I get here? I invested in others, I learned from others, I took courses and accepted help. I took the time to learn how to work with people and create a state of well-being.  I'm here to help you feel connected to your life and those surrounding you by creating a healthy mind and body.


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