Do you let your toddler eat and drink by themselves?
Food is a perfect place to foster independence. Allowing children to eat and drink using real breakable dishes while eating on their own side by side with the rest of the family helps a child to feel confident and in control. These build neuropathways for all aspects of life for later years. This science is now known but Dr. Montessori observed this 150 years ago.
If you’re worried about a mess- welcome to the next step. Teach them how to also clean up. Allow a child to be a part of the process. The problem is we don’t have time for this anymore. So, if this is not possible for each meal, then find at least 1 meal in which a child can eat and drink on their own.
This helps with fine and gross motor coordination, dexterity, pincer grip, focus and attention, development of the will, ability to self- regulate, and so much more. This is not the age to be concerned with neatness and etiquette. Allow them to explore their food and always ALWAYS provide an array of flavors, textures and colors, and even spices. A child’s innate curiosity will direct them to try new foods. Just keep putting it in front of them.
Note- these were when my kids were young. It’s taken me years to post these with confidence that this works. I’m also hesitant about posting them on social media. But I want you to see the possibilities and the how’s.
Also yes we did cloth diapers for both kids. That’s a HUGE subject in this topic of sustainability. We’ll get there.
Bon Appetite kids!
